Tuesday, August 25, 2009

23/09 - Margaret Drive (22 Aug 09)

We had another successful outing at Margaret Drive (MD). The weather was good, except that it became a little hot and windy in the late morning. The start as well as end point were quite shady, not affected by the late morning sun as it was sheltered by tall trees and vegetation. The area was quite big and we could explore further in our next revisit to MD. A very nice green colour spiky moth caterpillar was found in addition to some common subjects such as, Lynx & Jumping spiders, Leaf Beetles, few species of butterflies & moths, Preying Mantis & many Bark Lice (see right picture by Allan Lee).

Shooting started before 8 am and stopped at around 11 am. Thereafter, we headed to Adam Food Centre for an early lunch before making our way to the afternoon Photo Critiques and sharing session.

(Flower buds by Allan Lee)

Participants (9) : Allan Lee (Team Leader), Endy Tan, Shereen Ng. Hazel Han, Chan CP, Yeo TL, Eugene Hu, Vincent See & Peck Kheng.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

22/09 - Bedok Rise (1 Aug 09)

We started at 7:45 am by exploring the furthest left side (hilly area) from the gathering place. Not many butterflies were seen like the 1st trip in January 2009 (more than 16 species were found in last visit), this time only fewer than 8 species were observed (but very active, flying around).

We spotted some leafhoppers, grasshoppers, tiny little praying mantis, ants, bees and a fallen Green Crested Lizard. It was lucky to survive a falling into a silty water ponding:

(Fallen Green Crested Lizard by Endy Tan)

We also saw an uncommon dragonfly which Mr. Tang Hung Bun has identified it as a female “Rhyothemis obsolescens” which is rarely seen. This female has some different shape of clear wing patterns compared to the male (see attached side and top view records). It was a low flier (but quite active at about 8:30am) when it temporary perched on something all the four wings kept moving in a wavy movement up and down, left wings to right wings. Quite an interesting insect.

(Uncommon Dragonfly by Endy Tan)

Finally, we ended our trip at the valley under the foliage of sea almond trees at about 11 am.

Note: for member who drives please do not park in front of continuous single line as police was observed to be patrolling the area.

(Backlighting Ant & Tree Hopper by Allan Lee)

Participants (6) : Endy Tan (Team Leader), Allan Lee, Krist Lim, Joshua Fong, Hazel Han & Kway Htay