Sunday, May 31, 2009

18/09 - Segar Road (30 May 09)

We started at about 7:45 am but was forced to call off at about 10:10 am due to heavy rain. Segar remains as one of the good shooting sites as there are still quite a number of shooting subjects to be found during this short period. A mating pair of Stinkbugs, a bird drop spider, crab spider with prey, a lot of lawn wolf spiders on the ground, mating darters, etc. We were glad to see our friend old Michael came to join us. Also, it was a pleasant surprise to see Ng Hwei Min, our ex-treasurer, appeared in our outing for the first time.

(Mating Stinkbugs by Cai Yixiong)

(Lawn wolf spider with prey by Chan CP)

Participant (11) : Cai Yixiong (Team Leader) , Ong Lim Sim, Pegi Lee, Shereen Ng, Endy Tan, Darren Chng, Joshua Fong, Rosemary Ong, Chan C P, Ng Hwei Min & Michael Ee

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